Difference Between equal to(==) Strict equal to(===) in JavaScript?

In this Post I am going to explain the difference between equal to(==) Strict equal to(===) in JavaScript and how they are different from each other? and why do we use them?

You might not have seen Strict equal to(===) any where. They are mostly used in if statements. Now the question is why these Strict equal to(===) are used and how they are different from normal equal to(==) ?

Equal to(==):
These are very normally used and I am sure you must have used this in if statements. Equal to(==) compares two values to see weather they same. Can be used to compare numbers or strings e.g. lets suppose we have two variables

var a=5 & var b="5"

in this case we will see true in the alert box.

Strict equal to(===):
Strict equal to(===) not only compares variable’s value it compares variable type which mean to satisfy Strict equal to(===) variable should have same value as well as same variable type e.g. lets again take our previous example we have two variables

var a=5 & var b="5"

in this case we will see false in the alert box because the value of both variable are same but they both are of different type var a is a number while variable b is string and to satisfy Strict equal to(===) they both should have same data type and same value

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