List of Top Search Engine Submission Websites

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is basically technology in which we are optimizing our website in Search engine. Suppose you have a new website and for starting the SEO you must have to submit it into the Search engines. As soon as you submit your website into the Search Engine

High PR Top 110 Directory Submission Websites 2017

Are you looking to get good backlinks? and wants to improve link popularity of your website. For this directory submission is one of the basic and very important step taken by the search engine optimizer and it is a part of SEO. If you get the backlinks from

Initial SEO Of the New Magento Store

Suppose you have developed a store in Magento and it is live now, then the SEO things is very important for the website or for the eCommerce store. It is just like as to advertise your store/products, so that website can attract more traffic/user, which can increase the sale

Onpage SEO and Google Panda Update

On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are back links and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google Page Rank or Alexa Ranking.

Why to avoid dynamic URL’s and prefer static URLs?

There are two type of URL's : One is Static URL's and the other one is dynamic URL's. If you are going to do SEO for a website, than it is important for you to understand the difference between both these URL's as it is the basis analysis part of