Search only by the product name in Mini Search In Magento

Magento provides very good search functionality and you can add or remove the products attributes from the search. In this post I am describing how to remove the products attributes from the search? so that Magento search works according to the specific attributes which is included into the search terms. In my case I want to Search only by the product name in the mini search. By default Magento Mini search works on the basis of Product Short Description,Description and the Product Name, So it returns the result on the basis of the Product Short Description,Description and the Product Name and you only wants that Magento mini search works on the basis of the Product Name only not including the other product attributes. Here are the steps given below:

Step 1. Login to the Magento admin Panel
Step 2. Navigate to the Catalog ==> Attributes ==> Manage Attributes, Now search for the short_description of the Attribute Code and you will get the result of the Short Description.
Step 3. Click on the Short Description and Look into the Properties of the Short Description
Step 4. Now go to the Frontend Properties from the Right Panel.
Step 5. Here you will get the dropdown heading as “Use in Quick Search” Just change Use in Quick Search “Yes” to “NO”


Note : From this way you can Include or exclude other attributes into the Quick or Advance Search.

Read More how to Create and Assign Product Attributes Through Admin Panel In Magento?

You have done. Now your search will do work as per the included product attributes.

Thanks and happy coding in Magento