General Operation Through The Terminal In Linux/Ubuntu

For working on the Terminal In Linux/Ubuntu, it is necessary to know the basic commands of the Terminal. You can find below all these commands to work on the Terminal very easily.

1. cd

CD is Stands for change directory. This will change the current directory to the directory specified. To access the “www” directory, i.e.:

cd www

Return to your home directory

cd ~

2. List All the files and directories

ls -l

3. List All the files and directories (Included hidden files and directories)

ls -a OR ls -all

4. Create New Directory


Mkdir is stands for make directory (make folder). i.e.:

mkdir directory_name

5. Copy the content


cp {Source directory path} {destination directory path}

CP stands for copy. Example : the hello.txt file inside of the hello directory on the Desktop, i.e.

6. mv

Rename Folder/File Name : mv Oldname Newname

mv {Oldname} {Newname}

mv test2.txt test3.txt

7. rm

Stands for remove if you want to remove the file or folder but it is important that folder should be empty.

rm hello.php
rm -rf /path/folder_name

8. man

Stands for the Manual suppose you want to see the manual for “rm” command

man rm

9. Remove folder

rmdir foldername

Hope this will help to someone.